Some Site Credits

Do you like the background design on this site? Also seen (non faded) on the Guest Book graphic on the Link To Bravenet GuestBook Page? Both were made with the SuperBladePro Preset "Teph_diamondcuts" from Tephra's BladePro Presets . You'll find some truly original (and some very elegant) presets there.

Do you like the effect on the Shameless Self Promotion banner? Also seen on the return buttons in the Jukebox pages? These were made with the SuperBladePro preset "Liz's_neoncandy" from Elizabeth's Super BladePro Presets Site . Be prepared to spend an hour or more there.

The font used on the SSP banner is "Beauty School Dropout.ttf"

I thank these talented designers for their generosity in sharing their creations with the PSP Community.

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